Diabetes Smarts tidy2 - Diabetes Smarts

Welcome to Diabetes Smarts

Helping Men & Women To Fight or Prevent Diabetes

By balancing blood sugar levels we can reduce our risk for:

Heart Disease
Kidney Failure
Foot Ulcers
Nerve Problems
Kidney Disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Vision Problems
Skin Issues

Experts Featured In Diabetes Smarts…

Dr. Jim Mann
Dr. Mitchell Geffner
Pediatric Endocrinologist
Dr. Merri Pendergrass
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Specialist
Dr. Rinki Murphy
Specialist Diabetes Physician
Dr. Susan Guzman
Diabetes Psychologist
Dr. Peter Shepherd
Professor of Cellular Signalling
Dr. Catherine Heinlein
Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator
Jessica Moulds
Registered Dietitian
Dr. Corinna Koebnick
Research Scientist
Ronnie Fisher
Chef and Certified Personal Trainer
Dr. Mark Wheeler
Pediatric Endocrinologist
Vandana Sheth
Ari Whitten
Fat Loss and Nutrition Expert
Dougal McKenzie
Personal Trainer and Owner of Knockout Fitness
Megan Kimble
Author and Editor of Edible Baja Arizona Magazine
Christopher Rhodes
Pharmaceutical Technologist
Dr. Jennifer Lamoureux
Lauren Kanzler CCN
Clinical Nutritionist
Izabella Wentz
Thyroid Pharmacist, Author
Lisa Lewtan
Holistic Health Practitioner
Leanne Ely
Certified Nutritionist, Author
Summer Bock
Holistic Health Coach
Dr. Jean Lawrence
Research Scientist
Mark Webster
Naturopathic Pharmacist
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The World Health Organisation recently released a global report about the terrifying rise of diabetes.

Since 1980, the number of people with diabetes has QUADRUPLED... to 422 million people.

The report calls on world leaders to take urgent action... both in terms of better PREVENTION and TREATMENT.

Beyond 1.5 million diabetes-related deaths each year, millions of people face complications such as stroke... blindness... and limb amputation.

Diabetes is a major health threat that is rapidly getting worse... but there is hope.
The World Health Organisation recently released a global report about the rise of diabetes.

Inside, they specifically ask world leaders to provide 'better diagnosis and treatment'.

With over 1.5 million diabetes related deaths each year, I would argue that this has not happened.

Clearly we are not getting better diagnosis and treatment.  
The World Health Organisation recently released a global report about the rise of diabetes.

Inside, they specifically ask world leaders to provide 'better diagnosis and treatment'.

With over 1.5 million diabetes related deaths each year, I would argue that this has not happened.

Clearly we are not getting better diagnosis and treatment.  

The increasing rate of diabetes is terrifying. Since 1980 the number of people with diabetes has increased four-fold to 422 million…

And that doesn’t even include people who are below the Diabetes threshold but still have high blood sugar.

Diabetes is a major health threat that is rapidly getting worse.
1 in 11
People have diabetes
1 in 3
People are prediabetic
And 90% of those are unaware they are prediabetic
The increasing rate of diabetes is terrifying. Since 1980 the number of people with diabetes has increased four-fold to 422 million…

And that doesn’t even include people who are below the Diabetes threshold but still have high blood sugar.

Diabetes is a major health threat that is rapidly getting worse... But there is hope.

6 Benefits Of Balancing Blood Sugar Levels

#1 Have More Energy

Fatigue, especially after eating carbs, is a sign of blood sugar imbalance.

If blood sugar is often unstable, it can signify insulin resistance... where cells become “resistant” to the insulin secreted by the pancreas.

This in turn causes stress on organs and vital processes which impact energy levels. 

Tackling this problem can be like unclogging the fountain of youth.

#2 Support Healthy Weight

One of the common symptoms of blood sugar imbalance is an accumulation of fat around the abdomen.

When we have sustained high blood sugar levels, the pancreas secretes insulin to lower blood sugar…

And when we are constantly secreting insulin, our body sends a signal to start storing fat.

#3 Reduce Cravings

Many cravings stem from a blood sugar imbalance.

When you surrender to sugar cravings, blood sugar spikes... triggering a release of insulin to reduce it to a safer level.

This insulin release can make blood sugar go too low... and the craving cycle continues. We'll help you to break the cycle.

#4 No More 'Hanger'

Hanger is a popular term to describe feeling hungry and angry at the same time. 

What people are actually describing is a blood sugar imbalance... 

The person is feeling dizzy, their hands are shaky, and they are irritable... all because their blood sugar is too low.

#5 Healthy Hormones

Diabetes, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance are serious.

One of the most significant factors is the impact on hormone production... which affects inflammation, related disease, and quality of life.

Taking action here can also bring improved sleep, energy levels, and emotional wellbeing.

#6 No 'Crashes'

People with controlled blood sugar levels do not experience the post eating 'crash'.

What do I mean by crash?

It's that moment after eating that you suddenly feel exhausted.

Learn the insider tips and tricks to enjoy your food without sacrificing your self.
For Rachel, balancing her blood sugar fulfilled her dream of having another child!
It also made her healthier, stronger and more energetic so she can enjoy life, play with her children and look forward to a long happy future with them.

"Diabetes In Many Cases, CAN Be Prevented."

Diabetes Action Now - A Joint World Health Organization & International Diabetes Federation

Hi, I’m Judd…

I’m an Author, Documentary Filmmaker, and founder of Diabetes Smarts.

Several years ago, I was with my friend Ryan when he suffered a hypoglycemic diabetic attack.

Luckily, he had previously shown me how to administer a shot of GLUCAGON, should something like this ever happen.

It was very scary, but he did eventually recover after several days in the hospital.

Over the years since that incident, I’ve seen several friends and family members become diabetic.

What shocked me the most, however, was when my own father was diagnosed as pre-diabetic.
“What?!” I said, when he told me.

This took me by surprise because he had been preaching health and fitness his whole life.

When I was growing up, he used to run at least five miles a day!

And he regularly worked out with weights.

He ate healthy... though now that he is retired, he had slipped into a lifestyle of large meals and long motorcycle rides.

And now, with this diagnosis, anything could be in his future.

I’ve seen other people go from prediabetic to diabetic, and then later to heart disease, nerve damage and more...
My father’s doctor quickly prescribed him a commonly prescribed drug which helps to control blood sugar levels.

It did have an immediate benefit, as it did balance those levels out.

But these medications only cover up the symptoms of diabetes, yet don't address the root cause. And his doctors told him he'd need to up his dosage over time.

It’s like a life sentence.

And in many cases, they eventually become worse. A lot worse.

I couldn’t bear the idea of my father going down this path.
And it made me think about my own life also, and that of my wife and our future children.

I spent 3 YEARS flying to different countries, talking to doctors, nutrition experts, diabetics and those who had reversed their symptoms.

Is there something we can do to reverse my father’s condition?

What about preventing it from happening to my wife and I in the future?

Surely there must be a better way!

My profession is as a documentary filmmaker. So I decided to make Diabetes the topic of my next film.

I thought this would take 6 months...

Little did I know, it would take years to get to the bottom of this... tracking down some of the world's best diabetes doctors, nutritionists, and researchers.

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The Diabetes Smarts Program

7 Steps To Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

Hi, I’m Ange…
…women’s health researcher, author, and former long-time sufferer of hormone imbalance issues. 
And in order to show you just how much your hormones are really affecting you, I need you to hear my short story.
Just a few years ago, I was a different woman. I was in my mid thirties and had just had my third child. My daughter had finally started to sleep through the night, and I was so relieved because I thought that with a decent night's sleep I would start to feel more energetic.
But as time went on and my children didn't need me during the night, I realised I was still struggling with my energy levels.
I seemed to wake up exhausted and had to drag myself through the day, only to fall into bed at night and then be tortured with insomnia.

I knew that exercising every day was meant to naturally boost energy levels. So I walked and I walked, for miles every day.
But still, nothing changed. Not only was I exhausted, I was also disheartened that none of the walking seemed to be helping me to lose any 'baby weight'. In fact, I felt bigger than ever.
And the worst part about it all was the guilt I was feeling as a mother.
I had 3 small children who needed me… who wanted me to play and to give them cuddles in the middle of the night. But most of the time I just couldn't do it.
I was too tired, and seemed to spend the whole time they were awake waiting for the time they would go to bed.
Click Here for the Full Story
Yes, one of the key things you need to know is what to ask for in regards to hormone testing. But what’s even more important is being able to interpret your own test results. I’ve made sure that this is completely covered within the Power of Hormones program.
Yes, I cover natural treatment alternatives in depth within the Power of Hormones. I believe they have a very important role to play in the treatment of hormone imbalances.

About The Author

Diabetes Smarts is a comprehensive, science-backed guide to navigate diabetes.

24 experts contributed, including doctors, endocrinologists, nutritionists, research scientists, coaches, chefs, and even a diabetes psychologist.

First, discover the “7 Steps to Balanced Blood Sugar Levels”…

Which answers common questions and helps you take control of your health with insider tips, powerful food pairings, and more.

It offers powerful knowledge and tools to balance blood sugar and live symptom-free. And the good news is that this can be easier than most people think.

PLUS... Get full access to the "Diabetes Smarts Documentary Series"

In this 8 Part Diabetes Fighting Series you'll hear from doctors, nutritionists, and current and former diabetics.

They share eye-opening revelations about how Diabetes is REALLY fought.

A lot of this information is not available anywhere else.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Prevent Diabetes - Take the recommended steps to keep yourself and loved ones from ever getting diabetes in the first place.

  • Fight Diabetes - Already diagnosed? Take advantage of natural food swaps, food pairings, and other methods, in addition to conventional medicine. Arm yourself with the knowledge to make the best decisions, in order to fight the root cause.

  • Reverse Symptoms - Doctors will say that it’s impossible to put an end to Diabetes… But through lifestyle changes, many people have been successful in reducing their markers to the point that they are no longer considered Diabetic.

    Note: Getting to this level does not happen to everyone, results will vary, but when armed with the knowledge in this program, most people have the ability to dramatically improve their situation.

  • Protect Loved Ones - This comprehensive program may help fight or prevent diabetes from ever affecting your family. Don’t wait to become another statistic. Arm yourself with the truth, and protect your loved ones in the process.


That Diabetes Cookbook

Simple, healthy, and balanced recipes perfect for every day.

Enjoy a quick and convenient way to cook healthy and blood sugar-friendly meals.

Keep the whole family happy with savory meals and save a ton of time with these amazing easy-to-do recipes in “That Diabetes Cookbook”.

That Diabetes Documentary Companion Guide

Understand key points, so you get the most out of the groundbreaking documentary series.

Every companion guide contains a summary of the core concepts in each episode. Plus, there's a quick quiz to help you remember the key points to help you with your health goals.

That Diabetes Shopping List

It's hard to understand complex food ingredient labels... and know which foods are actually good for us.

That's why we've taken the guesswork out of grocery shopping with this handy list.

Use this Diabetes Shopping List to stock your kitchen with diabetes-friendly foods and wholesome ingredients to keep your family healthy.

The Silent Epidemic: Everything you need to know about Type 2 Diabetes

It's time to dispel the myths and misinformation about Type II Diabetes.

Learn the signs and symptoms, the complications, as well as how a doctor diagnoses, monitors, and treats type 2 diabetes.

This book will give you a concise education into the science of fighting diabetes.

The Diabetic's Guide To Healthy and Delicious Food

Our health depends on what goes into our bodies.

This guide is just what you need to start good eating habits and easily make more sensible food choices. And you can do it without feeling deprived or "missing out."  

This fun-to-read guide makes a healthier lifestyle much easier to do even with a limited food budget!

Small Bites: Supplementary Videos For Diabetics

Small Bites are for people who love to watch videos!

Hear from people who refuse to let their health challenges get in the way of living with joy and vitality.

Watch the Small Bites Supplementary Videos and understand that you are not all alone in this.

Watch and be inspired!

Get Diabetes Smarts Now!

The Diabetes Smarts Program provides a better way to live while enjoying incredibly appealing and nutritionally-packed food options in the process!

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Here's what you'll receive: Diabetes Smarts Ebook, 8 Original Episodes (Digital), 8 Companion Guides, Supplementary Videos (Digital), That Diabetes Cookbook, That Diabetes Shopping List, 15 Ways To Reduce Your Bloods Sugar, The Diabetic's Guide To Healthy and Delicious Eating, The Silent Epidemic: Everything You Need To Know About Type 2 Diabetes
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How It Works

For a one off payment, you'll get the Diabetes Smarts Ebook plus documentary series, plus all 6 bonuses. Access everything within our beautiful online members area.
Choose any upgrades you might want! We have advanced packages that are only available for our members. They're so special you won't find them anywhere else on the internet!
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With your membership, you can download your Ebooks to any device, print them out, and join the amazing Diabetes Smarts community.
Money Back Guarantee

Try "Diabetes Smarts" For A Full 60 Days, 100% Risk Free With My Money Back Guarantee

I want you to feel completely confident joining Diabetes Smarts, which is why it's backed by a comprehensive 60-day money back guarantee.

I know that this program was developed based on the latest research and has proven results. I know that balancing our blood sugar levels makes us feel better.

So I encourage you to go ahead, sign up today and get your instant access to our digital members area.

And if for ANY reason in the next 60 days you decide this program isn’t for you, simply contact my customer support team and we will immediately refund your payment. No questions asked.

Who Would Benefit From This Program?

Type II diabetics who want it to be so well-managed, that they minimise (and in some cases eliminate) their reliance on expensive prescription drugs.
Anyone who is concerned about their health and that of their loved ones. Even non diabetics suffer from the side effects of imbalanced blood sugar. These include low energy, obesity, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, vision problems, nerve problems, and sleep issues.
Type 1 and 1.5 diabetics who want to discover more ways to keep their lives well managed and full of energy. Several Type 1 and 1.5 diabetics were interviewed in this program and there is a lot of helpful information contained (plus recipes).
Those with Gestational Diabetes who want to keep their blood sugar in balance throughout pregnancy (and to prevent developing Type II Diabetes in the future).
By understanding the signs of unstable blood sugar and all the ways you can self manage, it becomes possible to reverse and prevent life threatening symptoms from unstable blood sugar.

Common Reasons For Diabetes

Our immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
Gestational diabetes can happen when insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels appear during pregnancy.
Medications such as Beta Blockers or Steroids.
Our Diets
Being Inactive
Being Overweight
Cystic Fibrosis. Researchers have discovered a link between diabetes and cystic fibrosis.

Can Type II Really Be Reversed?

Some doctors will say that it’s impossible to put an end to Diabetes. And medically speaking that is correct. It’s not possible to be completely rid of Type II...

However it is possible to:
Reverse symptoms.
Balance it to a point where your readings show that it’s not there.
Possibly reach a point that you're healthier than before getting Type II in the first place.
The goal is NOT to return to the lifestyle that caused it...

The goal is to have it so well managed, that your own doctor might say that meds are no longer recommended.

The goal is to have more energy, not go hungry, and fight the root cause... thus reducing over reliance on expensive meds.

That is what happened for a number of people we met!

And you can still enjoy many of your favorite foods... with ingredient swaps suggested... or food pairings to help you maintain blood sugar balance.

All this and more has been heavily researched and made easy for you right here.

Note: Getting to this level does not happen to everyone, results will vary, but when armed with the knowledge in this program, most people have the ability to dramatically improve their situation.

Additional Features

Get Diabetes Smarts Now!

The Diabetes Smarts Program provides people with a better way to live while enjoying incredibly appealing and nutritionally-packed food options in the process!

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Here's what you'll receive: Diabetes Smarts Ebook, 8 Original Episodes (Digital), 8 Companion Guides, Supplementary Videos (Digital), That Diabetes Cookbook, That Diabetes Shopping List, 15 Ways To Reduce Your Bloods Sugar, The Diabetic's Guide To Healthy and Delicious Eating, The Silent Epidemic: Everything You Need To Know About Type 2 Diabetes
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So Why Don’t Many Doctor’s Tell Us That There Is A Better Way?

For 2 SHOCKING Reasons…

First, many are on the payroll of the big pharma companies earning lucrative commissions for pushing their drugs…

The second reason is even more common…

By offering you another natural option, they are going against everything they have been taught during and since medical school and much of what the medical industry stands for…

But hang on it gets worse…

30 million or roughly 10% of the U.S population has diabetes…

…and a further 20 million more are undiagnosed…

These are frightening numbers

But what about the medications themselves?

Recent statistics released from the American Diabetes Association show that diabetic medication merely controls the symptoms of diabetes and doesn’t actually work half, as well as the medical industry, would have you believe.

Shockingly, in many cases, many medications have been found to progress the disease. Often to the point of no return…

Just to be clear once again – I’m not saying you shouldn’t take your meds.


Natural alternatives that have allowed many people to wean themselves off medication over time.

It’s time to put an end to the risk of becoming another statistic and follow this blueprint to restore your health once and for all.

It’s very important to realise that diabetes is not a life sentence, nor a ticket to an early grave…

...In fact, many people use it as the wake up call to change their lives and become healthier than even before their diagnosis.  

The GREAT news, is that…

I discovered the real truth about how to fight & prevent diabetes...
I met people like Rachel, who had used natural food swaps, interesting food pairings, simple body movements and more... to reverse their symptoms.

Their own Doctors were shocked and told them to stop taking their meds as they were no longer needed!

They became healthier than before they were ever diagnosed.

I researched published studies.

I met up with dozens of doctors, nutritionists and other experts.

I flew to several countries and filmed detailed interviews with people who successfully fought their symptoms and are now healthier than ever.

You may not believe this but…

You should never cut sugar and carbs while increasing fat as long term way to fight or prevent diabetes.

Yes, it’s important to get rid of unproductive carbohydrates, refined sugars and processed foods...

...If you don’t you’ll suffer more insulin resistance and unstable blood readings.

However, this combination of limiting sugar and carbs, while increasing fat, is a bit of a trapdoor for diabetics.

It’s a trap because it will get you early results, that may make it feel like it’s working, and you may then grow to believe that all you need is the willpower to keep it up.

It gets some results because you are cutting out what your body doesn’t need, and you are giving it some good fats that it may be craving.

But it is only a partial solution. And people who follow this kind of regime still have long term problems associated with heart disease, liver damage, kidney problems and more…

...Not to mention, they are often left feeling very hungry.

The good news is, your body DOES need sugar and carbs…

While most of the focus is on the pancreas, as that’s the organ that produces insulin and plays a major role in regulating erratic blood levels…

...The liver is equally important.

One critical job of the liver is to protect the pancreas so that you don’t get diabetes.

Imbalance of blood sugar begins with your liver losing its sugar supply.

So when you follow a strict diet that cuts out sugar and carbs, it’s just a ‘bandaid’ measure that may help balance your system for a while.

Beware of cutting out the good with the bad.

Sooner or later, you still need to put the good stuff back in…

And some of that ‘good stuff’ includes sugar and carbs.

This may take the form of berries, nuts, carrots, beets, pumpkin...

But also several other sugars and carbs, that you may have thought are ‘off limits’ are actually still very good for you…

...So long as you pair them with the right foods.

For instance, pairing an otherwise unhealthy yoghurt, with chia seeds, dramatically changes the ratio of fiber to sugar.

This can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve erratic blood levels, while also supplying the liver with the carbs that it needs.

So it’s important to understand that diabetes isn't as simple as too much sugar and not enough exercise... though that may be part of the problem.

There’s more to it than that.

And by getting to the bottom of this, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover there are a lot of delicious foods you can eat...

That help fight and prevent diabetes… without going hungry.

You Won’t Find Anything This Complete About Diabetes Anywhere…

By now, you realize the frustrating reality. You recognize the devastating consequences of not getting your diabetes under control today…

The cruel reality is that if you don’t sort this out now, it could seriously destroy your health both mentally and physically in the years to come.

In fact, A 2010 report from the United Kingdom estimated that type 2 diabetes reduced life expectancy by up to 10 years, on average.

The side effects don’t stop there…

Diabetes means low energy, poor sleep, nausea, eye damage, neuropathy in the arms and legs, and increased risk for other disease.

I’m sure you’ll agree this is not what you want.

Wouldn’t you prefer to take back your health and your life?

So let me ask you.

Imagine how it would feel to have these diabetes reversing secrets in your hands.

What would your life look like – If the clock didn't rule it.

I know that you have a clear picture of what your life looks like with these diabetes-fighting tools at your fingertips.

And what it will feel like to finally enjoy time with family, friends – grilling on the deck, fishing, camping, traveling – whatever you desire...

Knowing the best days are yet to come.

That’s why I organized all these never-before-seen ultimate diabetes secrets into a simple DONE-FOR-YOU program.

Yes Judd! I Want My Copy Of Diabetes Smarts Right Now!

I know that I can get instant access to a PROVEN program that will give me a better way to live while enjoying incredibly appealing and nutritionally-packed food options in the process!
I am thankful that your 60-day guarantee means I can’t lose!
I also understand that if I hurry, I can order the full Diabetes Smarts Instant Download for just $99.95 $39.95

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Here's what you'll receive: Diabetes Smarts Ebook, 8 Original Episodes (Digital), 8 Companion Guides, Supplementary Videos (Digital), That Diabetes Cookbook, That Diabetes Shopping List, 15 Ways To Reduce Your Bloods Sugar, The Diabetic's Guide To Healthy and Delicious Eating, The Silent Epidemic: Everything You Need To Know About Type 2 Diabetes
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