When you have diabetes there are many “danger foods” you likely already know to stay away from.
Most are obvious because they are known as high sugar and high-fat foods… you know candy, soda, processed food etc.
But did you know many foods are perceived as “healthy” that can spike blood sugar? Sending a diabetic towards the danger zone…
Today I want to discuss one of these healthy foods in particular
I’ll give you a clue… It’s a fruit but perhaps not one you might expect.
Can you guess?
I’m talking about the fresh and juicy Watermelon, a popular crowd pleaser across the world.
In fact, It is the third most popular fruit by sales volume globally…
Easy to prepare and perfect on a hot Summers's day…
The name itself sounds healthy right?
And like the name suggests it does have a ton of water content... 91% on average…
Part of the gourd family, Watermelon has good nutritional value.
It's also high in fiber, and is a great source of lycopene, which reduces your risk of cancer and heart disease…
Believe it or not, the humble watermelon has a ton of sugar…
Yes, it is natural – so better than fructose corn syrup for sure.
But its ELEVATED sugar content gives it a high glycemic index.
This is a term associated with a quick rise in blood sugar after the food is eaten.
The higher the number on the glycemic index, the faster the rise in blood sugar. Watermelon's average 76.
Doctors recommend that people with diabetes should avoid foods with a number above 70.
This means especially if eaten in large quantities can spell danger for diabetics.
Now I realize it can be confusing and very scary as to what to eat…
…And what not to eat when you have diabetes.
There is so much information about diabetes circulating and much if it is misleading.
Don't worry though... There's a simple process that you can use to protect yourself and fight diabetes from the inside out.
And it has to do with eating the RIGHT foods that naturally regulate your blood sugar. I'll show you how to find the EXACT foods that work with your body to fight diabetes (and the dangerous foods that don’t )
From the Diabetes Smarts mailbag…
From Darren Langer - from Sydney, Australia
“What are the best fruits diabetics should eat?”
5 BEST Fruits for Diabetics
Eat in moderation of course.
Darren, thanks for your question…
Watermelon isn’t the only “healthy food” that can rapidly spike blood sugar which is particularly bad for those with diabetes.
(you’ll be SHOCKED that many of these foods are often thought to be healthy!!)
Now I realize it can be confusing and very scary as to what to eat…
…And what not to eat when you have diabetes.
There is so much information about diabetes circulating and much if it is misleading.
Don't worry though... There's a simple process that you can use to PROTECT yourself and FIGHT diabetes from the inside out.
And it has to do with eating the RIGHT foods that naturally regulate your blood sugar. I'll show you how to find the EXACT foods that work with your body to fight diabetes (and the dangerous foods that don’t )