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Finally Revealed: The Surprising “Root” That Lowers Blood Sugar While Boosting Metabolism...

…PLUS The Secret to Sustainable Normalised Insulin Production (Without Going Hungry)

Who Else Wants To Finally Put An End to the Relentless Stress, Frustration, and Worry Caused By Diabetes?

If your answer is “Yes” then click “Play” to hear a very special message from me…


From: Judd Resnik

18 October 2024


Dear Friend,

Why do YOU want to reverse (or at least gain control over) your blood sugar?

Do you want to be able to stop experiencing dizziness, tiredness, and stress?

Perhaps you’d like to be able to live life on YOUR terms, without fear of it being cut short by complications such as nerve damage, amputation, eye problems, stroke, kidney issues, heart disease, and more…

Or maybe you simply want life to become more SIMPLE and EXCITING again, without over-reliance on expensive prescriptions.

Whatever your reasons are, you’re in the right place. Because here at Diabetes Smarts, you’re about to discover what REALLY works for achieving normalised insulin production AND your ideal body size… 

…WITHOUT going hungry, and WITHOUT over reliance on expensive prescriptions.

Once You Apply These Secrets, You'll Be So Excited By How Much Extra Energy (And Less Stress) That You Have!

If you’ve been watching our YouTube channel (which has over 300,000 subscribers and growing), you will have seen that I’ve spent the last 3 years flying to different countries, doing my research.

In that time I have filmed and collated the various findings of Doctors, Nutritionists, former Diabetics, current Diabetics, specialist researchers and more…

…Who have achieved dramatic results with balancing blood glucose levels.

During this research, I’ve discovered a startling reality. Most people are making critical mistakes in trying to get their blood sugar levels under control and don’t even know it!

This could be you too, so make sure to pay close attention.

We all get told to balance blood sugar, we need to take medication, eat low carbs, exercise regularly and to check blood sugar levels several times each day.

And while that is not “bad” advice, it’s hiding an uncomfortable truth. 

That truth is that THOUSANDS of people around the world are achieving normalised blood sugar levels without going hungry and with an all natural approach...

...Sometimes their own Doctors tell them it’s time to reduce (or stop taking) the medication that they are on.

And yet MILLIONS of people around the world are also following so-called ‘common sense’ strategies, and are becoming progressively WORSE each year.

So what is the REAL secret to sustained Blood Sugar Balance?

The key is to reduce the build up of Fat Storage in the Liver and Pancreas.

In fact, studies have shown when that excess fat is removed, insulin secretion increases to normal levels and people’s erratic blood returns to normal. 

Most medication performs a ‘bandaid’ effect, in that it assists the way your body handles insulin while reducing the amount of sugar that your liver makes.

But while that is a great temporary measure, it doesn’t fix the root problem.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way!

The truth is, if you don’t address the root cause, you’ll continually struggle to bring your blood sugar under control…

…And you’ll be forever at the mercy of ongoing expensive prescription medications… Which only increases over time.

So you are probably asking “How do I reduce the build up of Fat Storage in the Liver and Pancreas?”

Inside Diabetes Smarts I go through all the Top 176 SuperFoods for Diabetics, the strategies, and so forth that can dramatically improve your blood sugar balance…  

…And in some cases even reverse the effects of Diabetes

Some of these do specifically help reduce build up of fat in the pancreas, others help with build up of fat in the liver. 

They all work together to normalise blood glucose in a sustainable way. 

You don’t have to consume all of these btw, but it’s good to know there are a LOT of great foods out there that can make a huge difference in your life!

So, keep reading if you’re tired of having Diabetes-related stress and other problems… Such as blood sugar spikes, lack of energy, skin rashes, nerve damage, weight gain, trouble with your kidneys and more…

…And are ready to finally get your Diabetes problems under control and fix all blood sugar problems in the healthiest, quickest, yet safest manner possible.

Thanks to this powerful insider information, thousands of people worldwide have been successful with balancing their blood sugar levels naturally (and in many cases reversing their Diabetes altogether).

Here's what a few of our Diabetes Smarts Members have to say...

Rachel G., Irving

“I used to be a Type II Diabetic.  When I first was diagnosed I had a reading of 81 mg/dL, and I have reduced that down to, on my last test, 33 mg/dL.  So I no longer have Type II Diabetes!”

Gerard K, Welby

“Hi I really enjoy reading through all the helpful information on diabetes that you provide.It has opened my eyes to new ways of dealing with this condition and now the future looks more hopeful in managing it.”

Bob Grant

"After getting the dreaded call from my doctor that my blood sugar was too high. After spending 1000+ hours researching, testing, and pulling my hair out trying to make sense of all the conflicting information out there I found it all right HERE! I especially loved the recipes and how to enjoy the sweets I love without having my Blood Sugar spike. This is spot on, and super helpful. Anyone who has diabetes, or prediabetes like I had, should watch this right away.”

Kenneth Hawkins

"I found the program to be very helpful. It's full of good information and somewhat easy to apply to my life. As a result of applying many of the suggestions I've decreased my A1c from 10.6 to 8.1 so far. My goal is to get it below 6.8 and I think through Diabetes Smart I'll get there in the near future."

Rebecca B., Edmonton

“I LOVE Diabetes Smarts. Not only has the information been enlightening for me, even though I've dealt with diabetes for 41 years, but it is also a pleasure to watch the videos and to read the info. The videos are beautifully produced and the info is SO valuable for me in making decisions about how to eat and make choices in a more informed way.”

Here is a sample of some of the MANY Experts who are featured inside the Diabetes Smarts program…

Dr. Jim Mann
Dr. Mitchell Geffner
Pediatric Endocrinologist
Dr. Merri Pendergrass
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Specialist
Dr. Rinki Murphy
Specialist Diabetes Physician
Dr. Susan Guzman
Diabetes Psychologist
Dr. Peter Shepherd
Professor of Cellular Signalling
Dr. Catherine Heinlein
Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator
Jessica Moulds
Registered Dietitian
Dr. Corinna Koebnick
Research Scientist
Dr. Mark Wheeler
Pediatric Endocrinologist
Dr. Isabella Wentz
Thyroid Pharmacist, Author
Leanne Ely
Certified Nutritionist, Author
Here’s a small sample of what you’ll discover inside the full Diabetes Smarts Program

Everything you need to know about the top 176 foods that help reduce blood sugar (each well categorised)… PLUS recipe books and more. Forget going hungry, balancing glucose levels long term involves a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle, which means food that tastes good and makes you feel full and satisfied. 

Did you know that a low carb, high fat diet, can sometimes lead to decreased insulin sensitivity and higher blood sugar levels? Learn what REALLY works and why it works, so that you get the best and fastest results.  

Strip away stubborn belly fat AND boost your energy levels by following our exclusive “Diabetes Smarts 30 day action plan”.

The unusual herb that most people have never heard of, that is not only a powerful antioxidant, it also helps you to maintain reduced blood glucose.

The surprising OIL that stimulates your metabolism and helps with fat loss (plus discover the TRUTH about good oils vs bad oils)

The 3 foods you MUST include in your kitchen for a well-optimised and pain-free gut.

5 Foods that help unclog stubborn fat from your pancreas - this is VITAL to allow for normal insulin production!

Nigel, a 48 year old who is no longer classified as a Type 2 Diabetic, reveals the EXACT method he used to get his blood sugar under control. PLUS hear from numerous other current and former diabetics who have had excellent success with fighting diabetes.

44% of all new cases of kidney failure are caused by Diabetes. But it doesn’t have to be this way!... Improve the long-term health of your kidneys by following our specific “Kidney Boost Protocol” which strengthens your kidneys by lowering your blood pressure, preventing blood vessel damage and reducing excess fluid buildup.

Nutritional supplements that help balance blood sugar… You may have been told that there are no supplements that work but that’s not true at all (though Big Pharma would like you to believe that). In fact even Metformin is largely derived from ‘Goats Rue’ which has been used to treat diabetes since the early 1900s. Here we share what is helpful and what isn’t when it comes to supplements.

How to STOP diabetic skin conditions. Diabetics are prone to more bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itching than the rest of the population. Find out exactly WHY this is, how to remedy it and ways to prevent it happening in the future.

The powerful ‘weed’ comes loaded with free radical fighting nutrients that support the healthy functioning of the pancreas AND clears excess fat from the liver.

A staggering 47% of adults with diabetes also have arthritis. Here you’ll find out how to significantly reduce your risk and how to fight arthritis pain if you already have it.

Concerned about developing Diabetic Eye Disease? You can reduce your risk or stop it from getting worse by following our 3 step “eye health plan” (which includes adding 5 KEY food/herb items to your kitchen).

Once you learn all of the above, I promise you, you’ll notice dramatic transformations in your Diabetes readings! 

Better than if you followed any other blood-sugar balancing program on the market.

I just love waking up every morning, heading to the bathroom and feeling so happy about the person I see in the mirror!

Sarah Gelphy
Burbank, USA

I am a firm believer in the phrase, "Let food be your medicine." When my doctor told me my blood sugar levels were getting out of control I was shocked! And when she prescribed Statin drugs to control it I was even more shocked! I understood her concern, but I was still more interested in lifestyle changes, and that is why I started following Diabetes Smarts. The process has helped bring more relaxation back into my life. Thank you!

Jim Lemmon
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! You’ll also learn:

7 of the healthiest (and tastiest) foods for balancing hormones and protecting your cell’s membranes. 

The #1 WORST Food that causes your skin to age faster (watch out for this!)

Do you snore AND is your blood sugar high in the mornings? If you have both of these happening at once, there’s a strong chance you have OSA (Obstructing Sleep Apnea). OSA drives blood sugar levels upwards, and we show you why this happens and how to get control over it (and reduce those A1c numbers).

How to prevent and fight Diabetic Gum Disease. Diabetics naturally have decreased saliva production and less protective collagen in the gums… So it’s vital you include our recommended enamel boosting and plaque-fighting foods in your lifestyle.

Wake up every morning feeling energised and refreshed. Not only will the Diabetes Smarts nutritional tips help you to sleep better and give you more energy for the next day… We ALSO give you our exclusive “BEST SLEEP EVER” guided meditation track. Simply listen to this before you go to sleep for a night of absolute BLISS.

And this isn’t even HALF of what you’ll get inside the Diabetes Smarts program…

I can’t cover everything here because if I did, it’d take me at least another hour!

There isn’t even enough time for me to tell you about the various studies that have been done on Coffee and the benefits for Diabetics (and in preventing Diabetes)! The thing is, one-off cups of coffee can cause insulin sensitivity problems, however, long term, regular drinking of the right amount of the right kind of coffee has shown BENEFITS for Diabetics... 

…Doctors find it easier to just say, don’t drink Coffee. But you DO NOT have to throw the baby out with the bathwater every time. There are Diabetics in their 80’s and 90’s who drink coffee DAILY, and get to experience the antioxidant, brain and heart-health benefits. 

There isn’t time to cover the little-known ENZYME that has been proven to reduce inflammation by more than aspirin! If you have any form of joint or muscle pain, this could be a life changer!

Or to explain the details behind the vital role the right amount of eggs play in regulating blood sugar levels, not to mention the many essential vitamins and minerals they have which can help balance out energy levels… 

And so much more…

Diabetic SuperFood #52 - Balloon Flower Root

Inside my Diabetes Smarts program, I include a book that contains the Top 176 Foods for Diabetics

Inside that book I showcase the benefits of various types of foods, which include herbs, vegetables, meat, fruit, nuts, oils, and lots more.

One of them, as an example, is a herb called Balloon Flower Root

The good thing about Balloon Flower Root is that it contains platycodin, which is a nutrient that blocks carbohydrate absorption in the intestines, thus supporting blood sugar function. It also suppresses weight gain by metabolising glucose faster.

Extensive scientific research has gone into testing the effects of this powerful herb, for instance in a 2012 study from the Food Research Institute, they found that Balloon Flower Root decreased fat storage in the liver, which in turn led to improved insulin signalling in participants. 

It was also featured in the journal of nutritional biochemistry recently. The results here showed that it supported both cholesterol and glucose levels significantly within 30 minutes of consumption. 

It can be obtained through a variety of means, including growing it yourself, in supplement form and/or from certain online and offline stores. 

All of this, plus the rest of the Top 176 SuperFoods for Diabetics are contained within the Diabetes Smarts Program.

Will these secrets work for your Diabetic situation?

These blood-sugar balance secrets have been proven time and time again to work. And they work without making you go hungry in the process! 

So what’s the catch?  

You have to actually do it! 

Most people who fail, do so because they never take action.

They prefer to let ‘future them’ deal with the problem, while in the meantime, they pop some pills, take their readings and try to coast through life…

…They give up on the dream of natural balanced blood sugar levels… rather than take on their Diabetes situation and achieve fantastic results with this groundbreaking system.

If you really truly want to fight and/or reverse Diabetes… 

If you want to be respected by other people as someone who takes action and shows that you CAN live a healthy and FULL life with Diabetes… 

…Then there is no doubt in my mind that this will work for you.

Here’s what some more of our successful members have to say:
I now realise there are so many delicious foods that actually help to control diabetes and restore your health. I had previously believed some of these foods were not allowed on a diabetic's diet and was missing out on their valuable nutrition. I was also allowing diabetes to be a controlling dark cloud hovering over every decision. Thank you Diabetes Smarts for opening my mind to a new positive outlook with new ways to enjoy life.
Sandra K, Nottingham
Claudia Barend
Leiden, Netherlands

“I now have so much more energy and feel so much more optimistic about the future. I was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic about 9 years ago. I’ve been trying different approaches to reverse my condition but this is the first method that has brought about results. My A1C has gone from 6.7% to 4.8% in just 3 months and my fasting blood glucose has gone from 156 to 85 mg/dl. I have also lost about 18 pounds.”

I have been diabetic for about 7 years and I was getting extreme constipation from metformin. Now my blood sugar levels are the lowest they have been in years. My metformin dose has dropped by 3/4 and perhaps won’t need it at all soon. My lab numbers are near perfect. I have lost weight and have more energy than before too. This is truly life-changing
Paul G, Montgomery

Rachel is one of several former Diabetics who share their secrets to success inside the Diabetes Smarts program…

For Rachel, balancing her blood sugar fulfilled her dream of having another child!
It also made her healthier, stronger and more energetic so she can enjoy life, play with her children and look forward to a long happy future with them.

All Rachel wanted was to have more energy, to enjoy life to the fullest..

And what she wanted the most was to have a baby…

But she faced big health problems.

She had very low energy levels, and had experienced a lot of trouble when trying to get pregnant.

Rachel was dangerously overweight when she finally worked up the courage to take a BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST.
The test number FLOORED HER. At that moment she knew she was in the throes of TYPE 2 DIABETES…

Her doctors warned her that her lifespan would be cut short, and her dream of having another child was all but impossible.

The idea of being on medication forever, only for things to eventually get worse, frightened her.

She had already piled on a lot of pounds, was feeling deeply depressed and her energy levels were lower than ever.
Rachel could not accept this as her future.
She did some research and was shocked to hear stories of other diabetics who had gone on to need more medication for high blood pressure, nerve damage, and had even lost limbs and gone blind…

…All while doing exactly what their doctors told them to do to manage their diabetes with drugs and avoiding sugar.

She decided, enough is enough.

She did not want to become another statistic.
She refused to get stuck in the insulin resistance cycle.
This is a cycle where meds are used to reduce blood sugar and form a ‘band aid’ for diabetic symptoms.

They produce huge profits for big pharma, and can provide relief in the short term…

…But they also have been proven to be less and less effective in the long term.

Side effects have also been linked to heart disease, kidney failure, liver failure, strokes and even cancer.
Rachel discovered there is a better way…
By making some crucial food swaps, some other small lifestyle changes (like pairing certain foods together), she shocked her doctors...

Her clothing sizes kept dropping, her energy levels rose, she felt fuller than before, with less cravings…

And her readings moved to a point where she was no longer considered a Type II Diabetic.

...Following this, she got pregnant and now has a beautiful daughter who lights up her life!

Rachel is one of 50+ former diabetics, doctors, nutritionists and other experts, who helped form the core of the Diabetes Smarts program.

To hear from her and others…

…And to discover the REAL 7 steps to balance blood sugar levels (without going hungry)…

All Rachel wanted was to have more energy, to enjoy life to the fullest..

And what she wanted the most was to have a baby…

But she faced big health problems.

She had very low energy levels, and had experienced a lot of trouble when trying to get pregnant.

Rachel was dangerously overweight when she finally worked up the courage to take a BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST.

The test number FLOORED HER. At that moment she knew she was in the throes of TYPE 2 DIABETES…

Her doctors warned her that her lifespan would be cut short, and her dream of having another child was all but impossible.

The idea of being on medication forever, only for things to eventually get worse, frightened her.

She had already piled on a lot of pounds, was feeling deeply depressed and her energy levels were lower than ever.

Rachel could not accept this as her future.

She did some research and was shocked to hear stories of other diabetics who had gone on to need more medication for high blood pressure, nerve damage, and had even lost limbs and gone blind…

…All while doing exactly what their doctors told them to do to manage their diabetes with drugs and avoiding sugar.

She decided, enough is enough.

She did not want to become another statistic.

She refused to get stuck in the insulin resistance cycle.

This is a cycle where meds are used to reduce blood sugar and form a ‘band aid’ for diabetic symptoms.

They produce huge profits for big pharma, and can provide relief in the short term…

…But they also have been proven to be less and less effective in the long term.

Side effects have also been linked to heart disease, kidney failure, liver failure, strokes and even cancer.

Rachel discovered there is a better way…

By making some crucial food swaps, some other small lifestyle changes (like pairing certain foods together), she shocked her doctors...

Her clothing sizes kept dropping, her energy levels rose, she felt fuller than before, with less cravings…

And her readings moved to a point where she was no longer considered a Type II Diabetic.

...Following this, she got pregnant and now has a beautiful daughter who lights up her life!

Rachel is one of 50+ former diabetics, doctors, nutritionists and other experts, who helped form the core of the Diabetes Smarts program.

To hear from her and others…

…And to discover the REAL 7 steps to balance blood sugar levels (without going hungry)…

These are just ordinary people like you. They were fed up with their erratic blood levels, but rather than just complain about it, they took action. 

They came to a realisation that if they didn’t take charge of their lives, they’d live their entire life with high stress, while being trapped in an endless reliance on expensive meds. 

You can't afford to be following a blood sugar balancing plan that isn't getting results...

Here’s MORE PROOF That Type II Diabetes Can Be Reversed

Firstly, I want to mention that not every Type II diabetic will completely reverse their diabetes symptoms. And Type I diabetes cannot be reversed. 

However, by following the right advice many people DO get to a point where they have their Diabetes so well-managed that they are healthier than most non-diabetics.

Here’s what it looks like when someone does reverse their Type II diabetes…

Both of these images are of the pancreas of a man with Type II diabetes.

The first image was taken 2 years earlier, when they were in their early 50s, and weighed just over 220 pounds. They had been taking medication to fight diabetes up until this point. 

You can clearly see the areas where his pancreas has shrunk as a result of his diabetes.

The 2nd image was taken 2 years later. He weighed 25 pounds lighter, his blood sugar levels are normal and he is no longer on medication because he no longer has diabetes. 

This is how a healthy pancreas SHOULD look.

Inside Diabetes Smarts I introduce you to a lot of people with results like these, who share their best secrets that lead to their success.

Forget The HYPE...

Going from "high blood sugar levels" to "reversing Diabetes” isn’t as easy as taking some fancy new pill and cutting carbs. 

And for those for whom reversal may not be possible… Even getting to the point of having ‘exceptionally well-managed Diabetes’, is not straight forward either.

It certainly isn’t as easy as starving yourself for half the day, every day (though intermittent fasting can produce positive results for many people).

And it’s NOT all about blindly listening to what big pharma wants you to believe (which is that you need to be dependent on them forever). 

You’ve tried many of these things already, and yet all your hard work, time, will power and money has done you no good.

You’re still stuck with the same erratic blood levels AND an ever increasing worry about what the future may hold for your health. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

You may not believe this but …

Many ‘sugar free’ foods, either elevate your blood sugar anyway… OR they harm your body’s blood sugar response system. 

So, even if that ‘sugar free’ yoghurt tastes sweet and technically doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels directly…

…It may very well lead to a muck up in your body’s hormonal response to REAL sugar!

One 2016 study saw normal-weight individuals who ate more artificial sweeteners were more likely to have diabetes than people who were overweight or obese.

Another 2014 study found that these sugars, such as saccharin, can change your gut bacteria composition. 

This change can cause glucose intolerance, which is the first step towards metabolic syndrome and diabetes in adults.

As a result, some of those foods that are marketed as healthy for Diabetics are actually causing MORE harm than good!

The good news is that there ARE great low sugar alternatives out there, it’s just VERY important to be very aware of the differences between them as the results you get can be startlingly different!

You don’t need some 12–week restrictive eating plan where you eat almost the same thing each day. Or intense workout programs that push you too hard.

This is not the most effective way of reducing your blood sugar levels because being stuck on starvation-based diets and eating horrible tasting foods or slaving away in the gym is not sustainable.  You CAN’T eat foods you hate all day long forever! Nobody can.

You also don’t want to be stuck on a plan of over-reliance for DECADES on expensive prescriptions… Only to find you need to increase your dosage or switch to progressively invasive treatments. 

What you need is every last nitty-gritty detail and insider secret explaining exactly what it takes to reduce your blood sugar levels and gain control of your diabetes in the shortest period of time possible.

Look, if you:

Want to lose weight, get your blood sugar in check and fight your diabetes the right way

Want to live a long happy life enjoying time with your kids and grandkids

Are experiencing worrying symptoms or side effects that need immediate addressing.

Are sick of feeling tired, stressed, and emotional about both your short term and long term future.

Have spent lots of time and money on medical professionals but have had limited results.

Are frustrated by all the misinformation about what your options are.

So outraged by how worthless all the diabetes videos, books and professionals you’ve wasted your money on that you feel like beating someone up!

Or maybe you simply want life to become more SIMPLE and EXCITING again, without endless fear of an unwanted diabetic complication wreaking havoc on your body or cutting your life short .

If this is you then.....

Can you imagine how your life is going to change when you get your hands on this groundbreaking blood sugar reduction system..?

When you have this astonishing power at your fingertips?

The power to take control of your health and independence… 

And safely melt away stubborn unhealthy body fat…

With no crash diets to stop you from enjoying the foods you LOVE…

Not being shackled to medication that long term destroys your body. 

Just imagine how amazing it’s going to feel when you can enjoy time with family and friends… Grilling on the deck, fishing, camping, traveling or whatever you desire WITHOUT feeling tired and sick all the time.

Knowing that better days are in front of you. 

So let me ask you…

What do you think would be a fair price for the Diabetes Smarts Program?

Bearing in mind also, that my co-founder and I have invested several hundred thousand dollars into travelling, researching, creating, filming, peer reviewing and testing this groundbreaking method. 

The fact that you can have all of this, and finally take back control of your health destiny right now.

How much is it worth to you to give yourself the best possible chance to balance your blood sugar levels using the best all natural method that exists?

What do you think would be a fair price to free yourself from over reliance on expensive meds and enjoy a lifetime of energy, and hope?

I honestly think you’d think it was cheap to stop feeling that uncontrollable anxiety about your long term health.

Just knowing that you’ve got everything you need to maximise your health-span, right at your fingertips gives a lot of comfort and peace of mind. 

Not to mention our incredible support and community of like-minded people, many of whom have gone through similar situations to what you may be experiencing. 

With that in mind, and given the fact you’re getting the full system, including the guide book, the recipes, the 30 day challenge plan, the complete documentary series that took almost 3 years to film, and more!...

I think that a price of $197 for this incredible Diabetes Smarts Program is a pretty darn good deal…

And in fact initially, during the first month or so, that was the price we charged for this program. 

People happily paid that price, gained results and left us incredible success stories.

But I wanted to make this affordable to more people, and so I’m trying to see if I can make it viable at a much lower pricing (while still covering our ongoing costs).

The other thing that makes this a great deal is this…

…If you were to visit any of the doctors or nutritionists whom I have interviewed from around the world, you would be paying a minimum of $300 for a half hour session… Just to get your hands on this exact same information. 

But, like I said, I understand that a $197 price-tag is out of reach for some people, and I can totally understand that medicine and doctors visits are not cheap either. 

You’ve been through ENOUGH!

And that’s why I've made it my mission to make this system as affordable and risk free as possible, while still being able to fund our ongoing updates and upgrades to this already world-leading program (which is a win-win for you also).

So if you’re committed to fighting your diabetes head on, I’m here to work with you on this.

Which is why, today, you're NOT going to pay $197 for the Diabetes Smarts Program.

For you I’m setting the price of the complete Diabetes Smarts program for just $97.

And if you take action right now, you're not even going to pay $97, I’m going to give you a further reduction of just over 50% off!...

I can’t guarantee that it’d stay at this level forever, as I need to make sure we are still covering our costs without sacrificing the long term quality of what we are doing here. 

But right now, because you are committed to transforming your health, I am giving you my special price of...

just $197 $97 $39.95!

Yes, you can really get this incredible system that has the potential to add YEARS to your life at this insane discount price - as long as you act right now!

Yes! I want to join Diabetes Smarts right now!

I know that I can be on the path to improved health within minutes!

I am thankful that your 60-day guarantee means I can't lose!

I understand that if I hurry I can order Diabetes Smarts Instant Download for just $197 $39.95.

Click here to sign up now!*ADD TO CART
Members Download Access provided by DiabetesSmarts.com. Sold by Clickbank, one of the World's Most Trusted Online Banks
I know what it’s like to umm and ahh and “think about it”…

But my marketing guy is telling me I simply can’t sell the most comprehensive and powerful diabetes program on the market for just $39.95, because it is worth so much more…

Plus my earlier customers who already purchased Diabetes Smarts are going to start complaining because they paid $197 to get this exact same thing.

So if you’re still seeing this at this special pricing it means we have not cancelled the special yet. 

But if you come back in a few hours, or tomorrow and it’s gone, then that’s it there’s nothing more I can do.

I recommend you don’t pass this up. 

Plus, to make it really easy for you to join up with confidence today, at absolutely NO RISK to yourself…

I’m giving you my 60 day, no questions asked money-back guarantee.
Here’s how it works…

Place your order, use the material (it’s as easy and done for you as possible), and see the difference it makes with your energy levels, with your erratic blood and with your overall life.

Take a full 60 days to fully test the system, and if you don’t feel like it’s worth at least FIVE times what you’re paying today…

Just send me a quick email, and I will return every penny of your $39.95 – NO hassles and NO questions asked…

Why am I offering you such a comprehensive 60-day money back guarantee?

Because I want you to see these incredible, life changing results for yourself!

My goal is your success and while I am confident you’ll love my program so much you’ll NEVER want to send it back, I want you to feel completely comfortable making the decision to sign up today, which is why removing all of the risk for you.

Yes! I want to join Diabetes Smarts right now!

I know that I can be on the path to improved health within minutes!

I am thankful that your 60-day guarantee means I can't lose!

I understand that if I hurry I can order Diabetes Smarts Instant Download for just $197 $39.95.

Click here to sign up now!*ADD TO CART
Members Download Access provided by DiabetesSmarts.com. Sold by Clickbank, one of the World's Most Trusted Online Banks

To recap, here’s what you’re getting…

The Diabetes Smarts Program

7 Steps To Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

This comprehensive blood-sugar-fighting program includes:

The complete 7-step ‘Diabetes Smarts’ guidebook - Implement this method to balance your blood sugar levels & achieve your ideal body size with the best ALL-NATURAL methods that exist!

The Top 176 Superfoods for Diabetics - The complete categorised breakdown of all the BEST superfoods for Diabetics. Each food item contains the specific benefits for diabetics, the details of carbs, calories, fat content, and so much more.

The FULL 8-Part Diabetes Fighting Documentary Series - See me travel the world getting the EXACT solutions from best Doctors, Nutritionists and other experts, to fight and reverse Diabetes.

Companion Guides that go with each Episode

Additional Bite-Sized Vital Health-Boosting Videos (Keep up to date with the latest information)

Additional resources, recipes and guides.

World-class customer support - get your questions answered

Lifetime Updates

In this incredible program you'll hear from doctors, nutritionists, and current and former diabetics.

They share eye-opening revelations about how Diabetes is REALLY fought.

A lot of this information is not available anywhere else.

Here are some of the benefits:

Prevent Diabetes - Take the recommended steps to keep yourself and loved ones from ever getting diabetes in the first place.

Fight Diabetes - Already diagnosed? Take advantage of natural food swaps, food pairings, and other methods, in addition to conventional medicine. Arm yourself with the knowledge to make the best decisions, in order to fight the root cause.

Reverse Symptoms - Doctors will say that it’s impossible to put an end to Diabetes… But through lifestyle changes, many people have been successful in reducing their markers to the point that they are no longer considered Diabetic.

Note: Getting to this level does not happen to everyone, results will vary, but when armed with the knowledge in this program, most people have the ability to dramatically improve their situation.

Protect Loved Ones - This comprehensive program may help fight or prevent diabetes from ever affecting your family. Don’t wait to become another statistic. Arm yourself with the truth, and protect your loved ones in the process.

Each informative and eye-popping episode comes with a companion guide… So you can quickly refer back to the many gold nuggets designed to help you combat diabetes. Every companion guide contains a summary of the core ideas in each episode. Plus, there's a quick quiz to help you remember the key points to help you with your health goals.

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I know that I can be on the path to improved health within minutes!

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I understand that if I hurry I can order Diabetes Smarts Instant Download for just $197 $39.95.

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PLUS, let me do one more incredible thing for you…

I want you to feel ‘on top of the world’ about the decision you’re making today.

I want you to feel excited and proud that you’ve decided to become a Diabetes Smarts member today…

Hi, I’m Ange…
…women’s health researcher, author, and former long-time sufferer of hormone imbalance issues. 
And in order to show you just how much your hormones are really affecting you, I need you to hear my short story.
Just a few years ago, I was a different woman. I was in my mid thirties and had just had my third child. My daughter had finally started to sleep through the night, and I was so relieved because I thought that with a decent night's sleep I would start to feel more energetic.
But as time went on and my children didn't need me during the night, I realised I was still struggling with my energy levels.
I seemed to wake up exhausted and had to drag myself through the day, only to fall into bed at night and then be tortured with insomnia.

I knew that exercising every day was meant to naturally boost energy levels. So I walked and I walked, for miles every day.
But still, nothing changed. Not only was I exhausted, I was also disheartened that none of the walking seemed to be helping me to lose any 'baby weight'. In fact, I felt bigger than ever.
And the worst part about it all was the guilt I was feeling as a mother.
I had 3 small children who needed me… who wanted me to play and to give them cuddles in the middle of the night. But most of the time I just couldn't do it.
I was too tired, and seemed to spend the whole time they were awake waiting for the time they would go to bed.
Click Here for the Full Story
Yes, one of the key things you need to know is what to ask for in regards to hormone testing. But what’s even more important is being able to interpret your own test results. I’ve made sure that this is completely covered within the Power of Hormones program.
Yes, I cover natural treatment alternatives in depth within the Power of Hormones. I believe they have a very important role to play in the treatment of hormone imbalances.

About The Author

Join Diabetes Smarts Now and Receive FIVE Additional Diabetes-Fighting Bonuses

Well, I really want you to take this opportunity today because I know how life-changing it is going to be for you…

This is the best deal I can possibly give you, so please, please, please say YES to investing in yourself and your health today! 

You won't regret one second of it!

Here's what you’ll also receive…

Bonus #1 - The Diabetes Smarts Cookbook

This is the ultimate ‘done for you’ path to balancing blood sugar, without going hungry.

These are all our own original recipes.

We have personally cooked, tested, photographed and perfected these recipes to take all the guesswork out of what you need to do to get results fast.

Simply try these easy-to-prepare meals and feel your energy increase while watching any excess belly fat drop away.

You’ll be able to quickly and easily substitute out foods that are damaging your system, while adding in foods that fortify your gut, boost energy and strengthen your natural hormone responses. 

Bonus #2 - Diabetes Smarts Shopping List

Next time you’re in the grocery store…

Pull out this pocket-size shopping list...

That makes shopping for the best nutritional options straightforward.  

No more staring at the shelf, reading labels wondering if what you’re buying is good or bad for you.

Or trying to understand complex food ingredient labels... and know which foods are actually good for us.

That's why we've taken the guesswork out of grocery shopping with this handy list.

It contains a huge range of healthy foods and ingredients. That makes sticking to a healthy eating plan and lifestyle a breeze.

Use this Diabetes Shopping List to stock your kitchen with diabetes-friendly foods and wholesome ingredients to keep your family healthy 

Bonus #3 - 10 Years Younger: How to Use ‘Protein Cycling’ and ‘Autophagy’ to look Younger, Slimmer & Boost Your Energy

Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells to make room for the regeneration of new, healthier cells. 

Here you’ll discover the ultimate method for activating this, it’s like setting off a ‘fountain of youth’ within your body

This leads to a boost in overall energy, dropping off excess weight, healthier skin with less wrinkles and elevated feelings of happiness.

And the great news is that it’s a simple process. 

It involves taking a holistic look at your body, mind and movements. 

And then introducing some subtle but powerful changes.

Bonus #4 - How To Prevent A Heart Attack

Coronary artery disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States every year since 1900 (except 1918). 

Stroke, related to coronary disease, is the second-biggest killer. 

If you have diabetes, you have double the risk for heart attack or stroke in the future. 

That’s why I’m giving you this very important plan that shows you how to unclog your arteries, using natural methods… And greatly reduce your risk of suffering from either a Heart Attack or Stroke.

Excess stress can also add to the risk, so we’ve also included special advice for what to do there also. 

It’s very important to take care of this now, both for your own future and that of your family. 

Bonus #5 - The Gut Health Solution - How Inflammation Triggers Chronic Illness & How To Fight Back!

The health of your gut is strongly linked to inflammation, weight gain, thyroid problems, type 2 diabetes, lack of energy, digestion issues and more. 

The problem is, when your gut microbiome is compromised, your liver gets sluggish…

…And when your liver gets sluggish it makes it nearly impossible to burn fat (as that’s where fat gets processed).

When the microbiome is compromised, other parts of the body can’t perform their functions and toxins get ‘leaked’ into your body leading to inflammation, weight gain, achy joints and more. 

That’s why when you join today I’m also including this comprehensive guide, so that you discover how simple food changes can make a dramatic difference in your life. 

Discover how to fight back and achieve an elevated metabolism, an enhanced digestive system, less inflammation, a boosted immune system and balanced hormones!

Add it all up... And that's $161 worth of bonuses ALONE!

The Diabetes Smarts Program

(Complete 7-Step System including The Comprehensive Guide Book, Full 8 Part Documentary Series, Companion Guides, Additional Videos, Resources & More)

$197 $39.95
Diabetes Smarts Cookbook $47 Today FREE
Diabetes Smarts Shopping Guide $27 Today FREE
10 Years Younger $29.95 Today FREE
How To Prevent A Heart Attack $29.95 Today FREE
The Gut Health Solution $27 Today FREE
Total $358 Today just $39.95. (Save $318.05)

So let’s do the simple math and add this all up so you can see for yourself what a great deal you’re getting:

First you get the Diabetes Smarts Program worth at least $197 for just $39.95… Which I'm sure you'll agree is already a pretty amazing deal…

But if you act right now, you also get full access to my 5 incredible Super Bonuses with a total bonus value of $161… and you can’t even get them elsewhere!

So that brings your total value to a whopping $358…

All yours today for just 1 simple payment of $39.95!

That’s a saving of $318.05 or a whopping 89% off...

Click Here to take advantage of this incredible deal Right Now…

And you will be guided through the 100% secure checkout process…

Where you can review your order, and pay by credit card, debit card or even PayPal...

Once you do that you’ll get instant access to The Diabetes Smarts Program and all of your VIP bonuses…

And you’ll be able to access my system on any device at any time, including your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer…

Imagine the feeling of pure joy and the incredible sense of accomplishment you will experience when you finally are free to live your life how you want. On your terms. 

Imagine your chest swelling with pride when your friends and family throw a party for you, gushing over your incredible transformation…

You’re going to be shocked and amazed when you see how EASY and FAST this method works.

Now is the time to take action…

Right now you have two options that may greatly affect the rest of your life…

Option One

Is to leave this page without joining.

I think you already know what is likely to happen if you do this.

You’ll keep feeling like your blood sugar situation is slowly progressing towards something bigger and scarier.

A feeling that you’ve made a mistake and didn’t take THE opportunity to lower your blood sugar levels, boost your energy and finally take control of your long-term health.

Which is why you should seriously consider taking…

Option Two

Just say yes right now.

Click the “Add to Cart Button” and join us before any distractions get in your way. 

This is your LIFE we are talking about here! 

Join Diabetes Smarts right now, and get EVERYTHING that you’ve seen here today.

Here’s an important question…

Without your health what do you really have?

I’m asking you this because the uncomfortable truth is that the less time taken to sort out your health now, the more time and money you’ll spend trying to fix it in the future.

Now is the time to discover how to balance your blood sugar levels using the BEST, most well researched and proven, 7 step all-natural method that exists!

Join the incredible Diabetes Smarts Program today and take advantage of the limited time special discount pricing…

…Not to mention the rock-solid 100% 60-day money back guarantee.

Simply click the button below right now.

Everything you need to overcome Diabetes and ensure your best days are in front of you are right here!

Yes! I Want Instant Access To Diabetes Smarts PLUS The FIVE Added Super Bonuses Right Now!

I understand that by saying yes, I'll get the Diabetes Smarts Program, PLUS your five added special bonuses so I can start on my journey to lowering my blood sugar levels immediately!

I am thankful that your 60-day guarantee means I can't lose!

I understand that if I hurry I can order Diabetes Smarts Instant Download for just $197 $39.95.

Click here to sign up now!*ADD TO CART
Members Download Access provided by DiabetesSmarts.com. Sold by Clickbank, one of the World's Most Trusted Online Banks
5 reasons to join Diabetes Smarts right now…
  1. Within a few minutes from now, you can gain instant download access to The Diabetes Smarts program and start fighting diabetes at the root cause, while greatly reducing the odds of diabetes-related side effects in the future. 
  2. Thousands of other men and women all over the world have already used my techniques to prevent, manage and in many cases reverse their type II diabetes and you can do the same…
  3. You’ve just found the ULTIMATE 7 step method for blood sugar management, weight loss and long lasting good health. If you don't make the decision to take action and make a change RIGHT NOW, you may find yourself regretting it many times over in the future.
  4. If you act TODAY, then you're guaranteeing that you'll receive the absurdly low RRP $197 $39.95 pricing, plus the five limited-time only super bonuses. You don’t want to let this ridiculously amazing deal pass you by!
  5. With your 60 day money-back guarantee, there is literally no risk for you. If my Diabetes Smarts Program doesn't live up to every last expectation you have, just send me an email and I will refund your payment immediately.

I look forward to getting an email from you, telling me about all the amazing success you’ve experienced using diabetes smarts.

I read every email and letter I receive…

Your friend,

Judd Resnick
Author, Documentary Filmmaker, and founder of Diabetes Smarts.

P.S. This course is an electronic download so you can get started right away! No Shipping, No Waiting! And remember, this heavily discounted price of $197 $39.95 is not going to be around for long, so if you want to join Diabetes Smarts with the five added bonuses worth $161, you need to act NOW! 

P.P.S Remember you have nothing to lose by joining Diabetes Smarts, no matter what country you're in. You are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. 

If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and my friendly customer support team will issue you a full refund, immediately!

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I understand that if I hurry I can order Diabetes Smarts Instant Download for just $197 $39.95.

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Members Download Access provided by DiabetesSmarts.com. Sold by Clickbank, one of the World's Most Trusted Online Banks
Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, video, images and information contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Testimonials shown on this website are in no way a claim that a result may occur for another person. Results may vary. You are encouraged to confirm information from this site with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition with your physician. Never disregard professional or medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read or accessed through this website. For our full Disclaimer, please see the ‘Disclaimer’ menu option in the footer below.
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